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Bulk Product Imports

Product CSV Format - Comma Delimited


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Learn how to create your own CSV file while importing products to the store. It needs to be a comma delimited file that looks like the file you can download above with the following columns.


Unique Id : This id is unique for every product and it should be a numeric only. The variants for the product will have the same unique id as the main product with different lines below the main product. (This field is mandatory)


Title : This is the title of the product. Example – Leather Bag. (This field is mandatory)


Description : This is the HTML description of the product without formatting.


Vendor Email : Email of the vendor for the product. Example – (This field is mandatory)


Type : Denotes the Product type. Example – shirts (This field is mandatory)


Tags : Tags are the keywords associated with your product, which helps them to be searched easily from the store frontend For adding multiple product tags, refer the example given - “tag1,tag2,tag3”


Option Name1 : The name for the product option. Example – Size (This field is mandatory) For products with no variants, this should be set to "Title"

Option Value1 : The value for the product option. Example – Large (This field is mandatory) For products with no variants, this should be set to "Default Title"


Option Name2 : This is the second option for the product and can be left blank. Example – Color

Option Value2 : This is the product value for the second option. Example – Blue


Option Name3 : This is the third option for the product.

Option Value3 : This is the product value for the third option.


Variant SKU : Product SKU or the variant SKU. This is used to track inventory


Variant Grams : This is the variant weight in grams. You need to write just the number, not the measurement unit. Example : 10


Variant Inventory Tracking: This is the inventory tracking for this variant or product. Valid values include “shopify” or blank if you don't want to track inventory.


Variant Qty : This is the variant or the product quantity in stock.


Variant Price : This is the price of the variant or product. No need to specify the currency. Example : 299.00


Variant Comapre at Price : This is the “compare at price” of the variant


Variant Requires Shipping : Use 'TRUE' for shipping requirement and 'FALSE' if shipping not required (This field is mandatory)


Variant Barcode : Barcode, ISBN or UPC of the product.


Charge Taxes : Use 'TRUE' for taxes requirement and 'FALSE' if taxes not required (This field is mandatory)


Collection : This is the name of the collection in which you wan to add the product. One product can be added to only one collection by this method. Smart collection cannot be added here.


Custom Fields : If custom field is required then do not left corresponding cell empty and if custom field is of drop down type then fill only the values which are in the options list of that custom field .


Handling Charges : This is the Handling Charges goes to seller.(This field is used when Sales Price Configuration is Enabled)


Width : This is the width of the product. (This field is mandatory when product have either one of shipping method USPS, CANADA POST, ECOM EXPRESS)


Height : This is the height of the product. ( This field is mandatory when product have either one of shipping method USPS, CANADA POST, ECOM EXPRESS)


Length : This is the length of the product. ( This field is mandatory when product have either one of shipping method USPS, CANADA POST, ECOM EXPRESS)


Girth : This is the girth of the product. (This field is mandatory when product have either one of shipping method USPS, CANADA POST, ECOM EXPRESS)


HSN : This is the HSN code of the product. (This field is mandatory when INDIAN GST feature is ENABLED)


CGST(%) : This is the Central Goods & Service Tax(CGST) rate applied on the product. (This field is mandatory when INDIAN GST feature is ENABLED)


SGST(%) : This is the State Goods & Service Tax(SGST) rate applied on the product. (This field is mandatory when INDIAN GST feature is ENABLED)


GST(%) : This is the total Goods & Service Tax(GST) rate applied on the product. (This field is mandatory when INDIAN GST feature is ENABLED)


Tax Type : This is the Tax Type e.g. GST, Federal Tax (This field is mandatory when INDIAN GST feature is ENABLED)


Inventory Policy : This field allow sellers to sell their products when it's Out Of Stock.(Use 'continue' for continue selling when product in out of stock and 'deny' to restrict)


Image Url : This field contains link(s) of product images. Use comma as separator when product contains multiple images.


Note :

  • If a product has variants, then enter all the fields (described above) for the product on the first line. On the following lines, enter the unique id of the product. Then, skip the Title, Description, Vendor Email, Type, Tags and Collection fields. And fill out the rest of the fields for variants.

  • If you have restriction on product types, collections or tags, then you must enter only values that are allowed. Otherwise, it will give error.


Slot Pricing : Two new columns “is slotted product” and “slot pricing” have been added to the product add CSV. Note: The “slot pricing” column data accept JSON format only if the data in “is slotted product” column is 1 .


Minimum Purchase Quantity : The minimum quantity customer can purchase . It should be numeric and greater than 1


Fulfillment By : This field allows you to set if the order Fulfillment will be managed from the Admin end or the Seller end. ( It is a mandatory field in case you are using Stock Management feature app )


Supported values are : seller Or admin


Note :

  • The fulfillment of the added products will be managed by the seller or admin on the basis of the value entered in the CSV file, irrespective of the configuration done in the Fulfillment configuration.


Send Quantity To Merchant : This is a field which determines if the seller will send the product to the Admin after the order is placed or before that in case of Admin Fulfillment. ( It is a mandatory field in case you have set Admin Fulfillment ) Supported values are : after delivery or before delivery


Note :

  • In case of Seller fulfillment, this field can be left blank

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